Muay Thai originates from Thailand and has evolved over centuries with the first official competitions emerging in the 20th century. Specific Muay Thai techniques involve the use of fists, shins, knees, or elbows. Throws are also permitted. Adherence to the rules and respectful/fair treatment of training partners are always top priorities and are enforced to ensure a safe training environment for everyone.
The Muay Thai advanced course (FA) is intended for those who have already completed the beginner course or have prior knowledge of Muay Thai/Kickboxing. Unlike in a beginner course, basic techniques and a certain level of fitness are expected here. This course aims to expand and deepen the skills already acquired. Additionally throws, catch-and-release techniques and the clinch (grappling with the opponent) are emphasized more strongly.
Important! Both courses include sparring (light practice fighting). Participants are required to bring a mouthguard, and in addition to boxing gloves, shin guards are worn (both provided by the university). Consideration for others is of utmost importance even during sparring sessions.
This course is held in German. The traner can translate individual content into English on request.